Gaming over LTE internet

Gamers typically think they need a static IP for their games to function properly. They don't. In this article we will explore the mysterious world of gaming on a LTE connection.

First, let's lay out some groundwork.
1) A modem is a device which brings the internet into your home or office, in our case LTE internet.
2) A router connects to your modem and disperses the internet to your internal network whether wired or wireless.
3) A Wi-Fi range extender, sometimes called a range expander, is a type of wireless repeater used to expand the reach of a wireless LAN. The device is situated in between a base router or access point and a client that is not close enough to receive acceptable service or one that is on the other side of a barrier.
4) Sometimes a modem will have the router integrated.
5) Ports (Software ports) are an important part of internet addressing and help to define the destination for packets of data.
6) Network address translation (NAT) is a method of remapping one IP address space into another by modifying network address information in the IP header of packets while they are in transit across a traffic routing device (or node).
7) A static Internet Protocol (IP) address (static IP address) is a permanent number assigned to a computer by an Internet service provider (ISP).
8) A dynamic Internet Protocol address (dynamic IP address) is a temporary IP address that is assigned to a computing device or node when it's connected to a network. A dynamic IP address is an automatically configured IP address assigned by a DHCP server to every new network node (or NAT).
9) Whitelist: a list of people or things considered to be acceptable or trustworthy.

Typically, games need to have the ports opened, not a static IP. Many times the game will error out stating that there are too many layers of NAT. Most of the time, it does not matter how many layers of NAT there are as long as the PORTS are open on each layer of NAT. It sounds complicated, but it really isn't. The first thing to do when diagnosing game connectivity is to remove all routers from the equation. Basically we're going to connect the game box directly to the modem. Once this is done, test the game to see if it works. If it does not, then ports will need to be opened within the modem. Whitelists are typically located within the firewall section of the router interface. Here is a list of ports which typically need to be opened (or whitelisted). 
80 TCP
443 TCP
465 TCP
465 UDP
983 TCP
983 UDP
3478 TCP
3478 UDP
3479 TCP
3479 UDP
3480 TCP
21 TCP

Once the game is confirmed to be working on the modem, connect the router to the modem and the game to the router and repeat the process. If the game does not work, open the ports in the router. Continue this process for each router and wifi extender in your network.

If you read this article and are LOST, do not be too ashamed to ask for help. Google is your friend, here. There are many websites devoted to helping gamers and others in need of technical support like this. With a little perseverance, not only can gaming systems can work using LTE internet, they work well.