Use our data calculator to help estimate your household Internet data usage based on your activity.
Be sure to include each person's usage in your totals.

Streaming Video

Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Twitch

Netflix customers watch an average of two hours of programming per day.

Content Hours/Day GB/Day
SD Video 0.00 GB
HD Video 0.00 GB
4K Video 0.00 GB

Streaming Music

Pandora, iHeartRadio, Live365

The average American listens to two hours of streaming music per day.

Content Hours/Day GB/Day
Streaming Music 0.00 GB


Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook

The average business person sends and receives 122 emails a day.

Content Emails/Day GB/Day
Email 0.00 GB


xBox Live, PS4

One Call of Duty download as an example requires 120 GB. That's approximately 10 DVDs to hold all that data.

Content Hours/Day GB/Day
Gaming 0.00 GB

Social Media

Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter

The average adult spends two hours per day on social media The average teen... a whopping 9 hours per day!

Content Hours/Day GB/Day
Social Media 0.00 GB

Video Chat

Facetime, Skype, Hangouts

A 10 minute Facetime conversation uses approximately 35 MB of data.

Content Hours/Day GB/Day
SD Video 0.00 GB
HD Video 0.00 GB


Cloud-based camera

Lowering your camera's resolution and/or using camera with motion detection recording can help in decreasing your data usage.

Content Hours/Day GB/Day
Video Feed 0.00 GB

Web Surfing

Amazon, Google, Bing

Did you know Google receives over 3.5 billion search request a day?

Content Hours/Day GB/Day
Web Surfing 0.00 GB

Data Usage Totals

When using this calculator, be sure to use the tabs at the top to include all usage scenarios.